더현대 대구 영업시간 The Hyundai Daegu business hours gu** is known for be

더현대 대구 영업시간
When looking to visit the **Hyundai dealership** in **Daegu**, it’s important to be aware of their **business hours**. The dealership is open from **9:00 am to 6:00 pm** from **Monday to Saturday**, and is closed on **Sundays**.

**Convenient Business Hours**

The **Hyundai Daegu dealership** offers **convenient business hours** to accommodate the busy schedules of their customers. With doors open from **9:00 am to 6:00 pm** from **Monday to Saturday**, customers have ample time to visit the dealership without having to rush.

**Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff**

The **staff** at **Hyundai Daegu** is known for being **friendly and knowledgeable**. Whether you are looking to purchase a new **vehicle** or simply need to have your current **Hyundai** serviced, the staff at **Hyundai Daegu** will be there to assist you with a **smile** and **expertise**.

**Variety of Services Available**

The **Hyundai Daegu dealership** offers a **variety of services** to meet the needs of their customers. From **vehicle sales** to **maintenance and repairs**, you can count on **Hyundai Daegu** to provide top-notch service for all of your **automotive needs**.

**Location and Contact Information**

Located in the bustling city of **Daegu**, the **Hyundai dealership** is easily accessible for residents and visitors alike. For **address** and **contact information**, you can visit the **Hyundai Daegu** website or give them a call during **business hours** for assistance.

**Weekend Availability**

While the **Hyundai Daegu** dealership is closed on **Sundays**, they are open for business from **9:00 am to 6:00 pm** on **Saturdays**. This provides **customers** with the opportunity to visit the dealership on the **weekend** and take their time exploring the **vehicles** and services available.


In conclusion, the **Hyundai Daegu dealership** offers **convenient business hours** from **9:00 am to 6:00 pm** from **Monday to Saturday**. With **friendly and knowledgeable staff**, a **variety of services** available, and **weekend availability**, **Hyundai Daegu** is the go-to dealership for all of your **automotive needs** in **Daegu**.


1. What are the business hours of Hyundai Daegu?
2. Is Hyundai Daegu open on Sundays?
3. What services does Hyundai Daegu offer?
4. Where is Hyundai Daegu located?
5. Are the staff at Hyundai Daegu friendly and knowledgeable?
6. What are the weekend hours of Hyundai Daegu?

더현대 대구 영업시간
